đź“Ť Canada
🔍 Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
AWSDockerPythonSoftware DevelopmentDesign PatternsGCPKubernetesMachine LearningPyTorchAlgorithmsAzureData StructuresGoTensorflow
đź“Ť Romania, US, Canada
🔍 AI and contact center technology
đź“Ť US, Canada
🔍 Artificial Intelligence
đź“Ť US
🔍 Artificial Intelligence/Contact Center Solutions
Project ManagementMachine LearningQAData scienceCommunication SkillsPresentation skills
đź“Ť Canada
🔍 AI and contact center technology
đź“Ť US, Canada
🔍 Artificial Intelligence, Customer Engagement
Backend DevelopmentPythonElasticSearchClickhouseElasticsearchGoPostgresMicroservices
đź“Ť Canada
🔍 Artificial Intelligence
LeadershipMachine LearningNumpyPyTorchTensorflowProblem SolvingMentoring
đź“Ť USA
đź’¸ 100000 - 120000 USD per year
🔍 AI software for contact centers
LeadershipBusiness DevelopmentPeople ManagementStrategyBusiness developmentCommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaborationNegotiation
đź“Ť Canada
🔍 AI and contact center technology
Backend DevelopmentSoftware DevelopmentJavaJavascriptKafkaKubernetesJavaScriptAmazon Web ServicesAzuregRPCREST APICommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaboration
đź“Ť US, Canada
🔍 Artificial Intelligence