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📍 India
🧭 Full-Time
🔍 Software Development
🏢 Company: Weekday AI👥 1-10💰 over 3 years agoE-CommerceFashion
GraphQLAndroidJavaJenkinsKotlinOAuthCI/CDRESTful APIsJSON
📍 Cyprus, Portugal, Spain, Kazakhstan, Georgia
🔍 Software Development
🏢 Company: Udelta
SQLAndroidDesign PatternsGitKotlinUI DesignREST APITestRailCI/CD
📍 Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia
🔍 Software Development
🏢 Company: SELIUK LTD
SQLAgileAndroidDesign PatternsGitKotlinUI DesignAlgorithmsData StructuresMobile testingREST APICommunication SkillsCI/CDProblem SolvingExcellent communication skillsJSONDebugging