Uniswap Labs is a leading organization in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, known for its innovative automated liquidity protocol that allows users to swap various cryptocurrencies seamlessly.
đź“Ť US
đź’¸ 198000 - 220000 USD per year
🔍 Blockchain, Cryptocurrency
đź“Ť United States
đź’¸ 210000 - 232000 USD per year
🔍 Cryptocurrency/DeFi
LeadershipSoftware DevelopmentEthereumTypeScriptAlgorithmsGoRelease ManagementMentoring
đź“Ť United States
đź’¸ $180,000 - $202,000 per year
🔍 Crypto and DeFi
BlockchainEthereumWeb3.jsCommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaboration
đź“Ť New York, US
đź’¸ 196000 - 217000 USD per year
🔍 Digital Economy, Cryptocurrency
AWSPostgreSQLPythonSQLData AnalysisETLGCPHadoopKafkaMachine LearningMySQLSnowflakeTableauAzureData analysisData engineeringData scienceSparkAnalytical SkillsCollaboration
đź“Ť United States
đź’¸ 290000 - 325000 USD per year
🔍 Blockchain/DeFi
BlockchainEthereumReact.jsC (Programming language)JavaScriptReduxReactWeb3.js
đź“Ť New York, US-based
đź’¸ 210000 - 232000 USD per year
🔍 Blockchain/DeFi
LeadershipSoftware DevelopmentTypeScriptAlgorithmsRelease Management
đź“Ť United States
đź’¸ 290000 - 323000 USD per year
🔍 Blockchain / Cryptocurrency
đź“Ť United States
đź’¸ 240000 - 267000 USD per year
🔍 Blockchain and cryptocurrency