C the Signs is a company dedicated to improving cancer outcomes through innovative AI technology that enhances cancer detection and treatment processes. Our mission is to empower physicians and patients by quickly recognizing the signs of cancer, facilitating timely interventions, and saving lives. With a growing impact in the UK, we are now expanding our AI cancer prediction platform to the US market, operating in a collaborative environment that fosters creativity and personal growth.
📍 United Kingdom
🔍 Healthcare
AWSGitJavaKotlinMongoDBSCRUMSpring BootCI/CD
📍 United Kingdom
🔍 Private healthcare and insurance
Cross-functional collaborationMarket Research
📍 United Kingdom
🔍 Healthcare Technology
FigmaHTMLCSSUI DesignUser Experience DesignGoogle AnalyticsReactSketchPrototyping
📍 United Kingdom
🧭 Full-Time
🔍 Healthcare
PythonData AnalysisTableauMentoringCross-functional collaborationData visualization
📍 United Kingdom
🔍 Healthcare AI
PythonMachine LearningPyTorchTensorflow
📍 United Kingdom
🧭 Full-Time
🔍 Healthcare technology
AgileData AnalysisProduct ManagementCompliance