MWResource, Inc and our Canadian subsidiary MWResource Consulting,Inc. provide our customers with the experienced resources they need to assist and mentor their staff in designing, implementing, and maintaining successful critical energy infrastructure systems. Our company offers a pool of experienced energy industry experts who have worked with data acquisition, plant and grid control, energy markets, settlements and IT technologies used by power generation companies, power cooperatives, municipal utilities, investor owned utilities, major energy markets, and major system vendors. Some of the major systems areas where we have expertise are: CIP/control center systems especially SCADA, Energy Management Systems (EMS), and Distribution Management Systems (DMS) RTU communications and substation systems Power Plant Control Systems ISO/RTO market systems ISO/RTO settlement and web systems Market participant interfaces Utility Information Technology
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DockerPythonSQLKafkaKubernetesOracleActiveMQAzureREST APITerraformAnsible