💎 Seniority level: Junior, Minimum 2 years
📍 Location: United States
🔍 Industry: Consumer Privacy
🏢 Company: Keepsafe👥 11-50💰 Seed over 11 years agoSecurityPrivacySoftware
🗣️ Languages: English
⏳ Experience: Minimum 2 years
🪄 Skills: AWSDockerPostgreSQLPythonDynamoDBKubernetesRedisCI/CDRESTful APIsDevOpsTerraformMicroservicesScripting
📍 Mexico, LATAM, United States
🔍 Software Development
🏢 Company: DaCodes
AWSBackend DevelopmentDockerGraphQLNode.jsPostgreSQLPythonSQLDynamoDBExpress.jsGitJestKafkaKubernetesMongoDBMySQLOAuthRabbitmqAlgorithmsData StructuresServerlessNest.jsNosqlCI/CDRESTful APIsMicroservices
📍 United States, Pakistan
🧭 Contract
🔍 Technology Consulting
🏢 Company: Ontrac Solutions
DockerCloud ComputingJavaKubernetesMongoDBSpring BootNosqlCI/CDTerraformMicroservices
📍 Poland, United States, Canada
🧭 Full-Time
🔍 Software Development
🏢 Company: eyeo👥 51-100InternetOpen SourcePrivacySoftwareBrowser Extensions
GraphQLNode.jsSQLCloud ComputingGCPOAuthgRPCREST APINosqlMicroservices
📍 United States, Canada
🧭 Full-Time
🔍 Consumer Privacy
🏢 Company: Keepsafe👥 11-50💰 Seed over 11 years agoSecurityPrivacySoftware
AWSDockerPostgreSQLPythonDynamoDBKubernetesRedisCI/CDRESTful APIsTerraformMicroservicesAnsible
📍 Any location of your choice
🔍 Fintech
🏢 Company: WhiteTech
Backend DevelopmentDockerPHPPostgreSQLSQLAgileDesign PatternsGitJenkinsKubernetesSCRUMSoftware ArchitectureAlgorithmsAPI testingData StructuresREST APISymfonyCI/CDRESTful APIsLinuxMicroservicesJSONDebugging
📍 US
💸 100000.0 - 140000.0 USD per year
🔍 Healthcare IT Services
📍 United States
🧭 Full-Time
💸 186065.0 - 218900.0 USD per year
🔍 Software Development
🏢 Company: Coinbase Developer Platform
Backend DevelopmentBlockchainEthereumMicroservicesSoftware Engineering
📍 United States
🧭 Contract-To-Hire
🔍 Software and application development
🏢 Company: Metova👥 101-250💰 Private almost 7 years agoMobile
📍 Germany
🧭 Contract
🔍 Data integration and management
🏢 Company: CData Virtuality
AWSSQLGCPGitHibernateJavaAzureMavenREST APITomcat
🧭 Full-Time
💸 180625 - 212000 USD per year
🔍 Cryptocurrency and Payments
🏢 Company: Coinbase Developer Platform
AWSBackend DevelopmentLeadershipPostgreSQLSoftware DevelopmentEthereumKafkaKubernetesMongoDBMySQLRabbitmqRubyProduct DevelopmentGoRedisCollaboration