Hugging Face is an open-source platform provider of machine learning technologies based in New York City. They are dedicated to democratizing good machine learning through their commitment to open-source development.
π France
π Machine Learning, AI
Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData scienceCollaboration
π United States
π Machine Learning
AWSDockerGCPKubernetesMachine LearningMongoDBPyTorchProduct DevelopmentAzureCollaboration
π France
π Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData scienceCollaboration
π United States
π Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData scienceCollaboration
π France
π Machine Learning
Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningStrategyCollaboration
π France
π Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningStrategyCollaboration
π United States
π Machine Learning
PythonSoftware DevelopmentArtificial IntelligenceData AnalysisData MiningGitKerasMachine LearningNLTKNumpyPyTorchAlgorithmsData analysisData miningData scienceGoPandasTensorflow
π France
π Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
FigmaMachine LearningUI DesignCollaborationSketch
π France
π Machine Learning, Technology
PythonMachine LearningTypeScriptReactCollaboration
π France
π Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence
PythonArtificial IntelligenceKerasMachine LearningPyTorchRustCollaboration