More than 42 million Americans face hunger every day including 1 in 6 children. Meanwhile, 35% of the food produced in the United States every year is wasted. Move For Hunger offers a sustainable solution to this inexcusable paradox. Our network of socially-responsible relocation companies provides their customers, clients, and residents with the opportunity to donate their food when they move. Members of Move For Hunger also volunteer to host/assist with community food drives, participate in cause marketing campaigns, and create employee giving programs. Since 2009, we have delivered more than 24 million pounds of food to food banks across the United States and Canada. That’s the equivalent of 20 million meals. And we’re just getting started. Join our team today.
📍 United States
🧭 Full-Time
💸 50000 USD per year
🔍 Non-profit, Food Recovery
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