Velotio Technologies is a dynamic tech company specializing in software development and engineering services, offering innovative solutions across various domains with a focus on data architecture and automation.
📍 India
🔍 Product engineering
📍 India
🔍 Product engineering with a focus on cloud-native, data engineering, B2B SaaS, IoT & Machine Learning
📍 India
🔍 Product engineering, cloud-native, data engineering, B2B SaaS, IoT & Machine Learning
📍 India
🔍 Product engineering, technology services
AWSPostgreSQLSoftware DevelopmentSQLAgileDesign PatternsElasticSearchGCPHibernateJavaKafkaMongoDBRabbitmqSpringSpring MVCAzureCassandraData engineeringgRPCMavenREST APIRedisWebRTCNosqlCommunication SkillsCollaborationCI/CD
📍 India
🔍 Product engineering, data engineering, B2B SaaS, IoT & Machine Learning
AWSPythonApache AirflowApache HadoopETLGCPJavaKafkaSnowflakeAzureSparkScala