LightForce Orthodontics specializes in creating advanced orthodontic solutions, leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance patient care and treatment outcomes.
π Israel
π 3D printing technology in orthodontics
π Ukraine
π 3D printing technology in orthodontics
Product DevelopmentQuality AssuranceProcess improvementPrototyping
π Burlington, MA
π Orthodontics
AgileProduct ManagementCross-functional collaborationSaaS
π Ukraine
π Orthodontics
AWSSQLAgileDesign PatternsExpress.jsJavascriptTypeScriptAngularPostgresNest.jsReact
π Israel
π 3D printing technology in the orthodontic space
π Israel
π 3D printing technology in orthodontics
LeadershipAgileJavascriptSCRUMTypeScriptC++AlgorithmsCommunication Skills