ApplyBehavioral Economist / Growth Product Manager
Posted 5 months agoViewed
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📍 Location: France
🔍 Industry: Health & Wellness
🏢 Company: Fabulous
🪄 Skills: PythonSQLBehavioral economicsBehavioral scienceCollaboration
- Steadfast focus on rapid experiment cycles for learning and prioritization on high growth areas.
- Prototype and offer design improvements, stemming from proven experience.
- Experience conducting user interviews and running pilots.
- Easiness with the technical aspect or willingness to learn; ideally, can write clean and concise code in SQL, R, and/or Python.
- Deep understanding of experimental design and methods, from quasi-experiments to A/B tests.
- Knowledge of behavioral science theories and concepts applicable to growth and product metrics.
- Solid understanding of statistics and/or econometrics.
- Strong written and verbal communication.
- Developing experiments to reduce friction in the sharing of delightful moments.
- Designing experiments to measure the lift when presenting habit choices.
- Creating product experiments on completion rates, habit adoption, and measuring the tradeoffs on successful actions.