Sawhorse Productions is a full-service content studio based in Los Angeles, CA, specializing in creative development, production, post-production, live streaming, and interactive technology. Founded in 2013, Sawhorse delivers compelling content for various platforms, collaborating with renowned clients like Netflix and Amazon to tell impactful stories.
📍 Los Angeles, California, United States
🧭 Contract
💸 30.0 - 46.0 USD per hour
🔍 Gaming
SQLData AnalysisTableauData visualizationA/B testing
📍 United States
🧭 Contract
💸 60000 - 80000 USD per year
🔍 Marketing and entertainment
LeadershipProject ManagementStrategyGoCommunication SkillsCollaboration
📍 Los Angeles, California, United States
🔍 Creative studio, immersive experiences