
Senior Back-End Developer

Posted 16 days agoViewed

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💎 Seniority level: Senior, 3 years

📍 Location: Poland, Portugal, Spain, Czechia

🔍 Industry: Travel Tech

🏢 Company: Bnberry

🗣️ Languages: English

⏳ Experience: 3 years

🪄 Skills: Backend DevelopmentDockerPHPSQLDesign PatternsGitMySQLRabbitmqSoftware ArchitectureREST APIRedisCI/CDRESTful APIsSoftware EngineeringEnglish communication

  • A minimum of 3 years' experience as a Senior Developer.
  • Strong knowledge of software quality assurance methodologies, tools, and processes including SOLID, DRY, and KISS principles.
  • Proficiency in our technology stack: PHP 8, Laravel, UNIT TESTS, MYSQL, GIT, REDIS, RABBITMQ, DOCKER, REST API.
  • Experience in the development and optimization of project development processes.
  • Experience with high-load projects and optimizing complex queries.
  • Lead the design and development of new features and enhancements to meet complex customer demands.
  • Take initiative and responsibility for improving our highly customized platform and reducing technical debt.
  • Ensure all development work is well-documented in English.
  • Engage in team communications primarily in English.
  • Participate actively in Scrum ceremonies