Hims & Hers connects consumers with licensed medical professionals and enables everyone to seek health and wellness care. Its mission is to eliminate stigmas and make it easier for people to access care and treatment for the conditions that impact their daily lives. With a telemedicine approach, customers can get diagnosed and treated at a lower cost and with greater convenience. Hims was incubated at San Francisco-based venture-builder, Atomic by Andrew Dudum and Jack Abraham in 2017. At first, the focus was on providing telehealth services, such as for erectile dysfunction and hair loss. But HIMS would quickly expand its platform. And in 2018, there was the launch of Hers. It also moved into categories like mental health, dermatology, and primary care. To help with the management of the growing organization, HIMS created its own EHR (Electronic Health Record) system. The company also has partnered with a variety of health care operators — such as Ochsner Health, Mount Sinai Health System, and Privia Health — to provide access to in-person visits with doctors.