Mindful Care is a company focused on delivering thoughtful and innovative solutions in the care sector, utilizing advanced technologies to enhance the overall wellbeing of individuals.
đź“Ť Central or Eastern timezone
đź’¸ 70000 USD per year
🔍 Mental healthcare
GoCommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaborationProblem SolvingCustomer serviceNegotiationAttention to detailOrganizational skillsPresentation skillsTime ManagementWritten communicationMultitaskingDocumentation
đź“Ť South Africa
đź’¸ 4 USD per hour
🔍 Mental Health Care
Communication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaboration
đź“Ť CT, FL, IL, NJ, MI, NY
đź’¸ $100,000 - $150,000 per year
🔍 Mental healthcare
AWSLeadershipNode.jsProject ManagementPythonSoftware DevelopmentSQLAgileJavascriptReact.jsSCRUMSnowflakeJavaScriptJiraReactCommunication SkillsProblem Solving