Edgility Consulting is dedicated to empowering social impact organizations by fostering equity through the development of exceptional teams that embody and enhance the communities they support.
đź“Ť California, United States
đź’¸ 174000 - 212500 USD per year
🔍 Education
LeadershipCross-functional Team LeadershipStrategyCommunication SkillsCollaboration
đź“Ť California, United States
đź’¸ 235539 - 259726 USD per year
🔍 Education
LeadershipStrategyFinancial ManagementCommunication SkillsCollaborationCompliance
đź“Ť California, United States
đź’¸ $235,539 - $259,726 per year
🔍 Education
LeadershipStrategyFinancial ManagementCommunication SkillsCollaborationCompliance
đź“Ť California, United States
đź’¸ $174,000 - $212,500 per year
🔍 Education
LeadershipCross-functional Team LeadershipStrategyCommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaboration
đź“Ť San Francisco Bay Area
đź’¸ $250,000 - $275,000 per year
🔍 Nonprofit
LeadershipProject ManagementBusiness DevelopmentData AnalysisPeople ManagementProduct ManagementProject CoordinationCross-functional Team LeadershipOperations ManagementAdministrative ManagementStrategyFinancial ManagementBusiness developmentData analysisCommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaboration
đź“Ť Contiguous United States
đź’¸ $175,000 - $200,000 per year
🔍 Education, specifically K-12 and Project Based Learning
LeadershipProject ManagementBusiness DevelopmentDrupalSalesforceGoogle AnalyticsProduct DevelopmentStrategyBusiness developmentContent creationGoCommunication SkillsCollaborationMultitasking
đź“Ť San Francisco Bay Area
đź’¸ $250,000 - $275,000 per year
🔍 Nonprofit
LeadershipProject ManagementBusiness DevelopmentData AnalysisPeople ManagementProduct ManagementProject CoordinationCross-functional Team LeadershipOperations ManagementStrategyFinancial ManagementBusiness developmentData analysisCommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaboration