Hugging Face is dedicated to advancing and democratizing machine learning for all, contributing positively to technological development. With over 5,000 companies, including major AI organizations, utilizing their technology, they are at the forefront of innovation.
π France
π§ Full-Time
π Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
FigmaMachine LearningUI DesignCollaborationSketch
π United States
π Machine learning and artificial intelligence
π France
π Machine Learning, Open Source Software
PythonSoftware DevelopmentArtificial IntelligenceData AnalysisGitImage ProcessingKerasMachine LearningNLTKNumpyOpenCVPyTorchAlgorithmsData analysisGoPandasTensorflowCommunication SkillsAnalytical SkillsCollaboration
π France
π Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
AWSDockerGCPKubernetesMachine LearningMongoDBPyTorchTypeScriptProduct DevelopmentAzureRustCollaboration
π United States
π§ Full-Time
π Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData scienceCollaboration
π United States
π Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
AWSArtificial IntelligenceGCPMachine LearningStrategyAzureCollaboration