Mastery of T-SQL (SSMS), Database Design & Development
Understanding in MVVM Design Pattern
Competent with WPF, XAML, LINQ
Practiced in MVC, HTML, and JQuery
Capable in WCF, XML, Web Services
Solid understanding of OOP Principles, SOA Principles, and multiple-tier architectural design
Exposure integrating systems with off-site partners and vendors
Knowledge of consumer finance & accounting
Must be self-motivated, work independently, and take product ownership
Able to meet objectives within deadlines
We are a rapidly growing, small shop development group focusing on business flexibility, providing value-added solutions that affect profitability, and integrating with 3rd parties.
Our approach is to abstract our processes for reusability; therefore, we focus on services, procedures, and basic OOP principles.
We standardize our approach to designing and developing so the next guy fixing our bugs can resolve them efficiently.
We collaborate on design, development, technology, and testing; and we take ownership of everything we build.